1099 Instructions

What is the process for eFiling my 1099s and 1096 in Sage 50? Sage 50 Version 2020.0 and older click here


1. Open the Federal Forms List

Under "Employees & Payroll", click the "Forms" button and select "Federal Forms (W-2, 940, etc.)".

2. Review Company Information.

A company setup wizard will take you through your company information that will display on the 1099/1096 forms. All or most of the information will be populated from Sage 50.

3. Review Recipient Information.

The wizard will take you into a grid displaying all of your recipient data to review. Several data validations are performed during this step to ensure accuracy of your recipient data and help elimination rejections.

4. Select Your Filing Options.

The complete eFile package is the best value but you can also eFile just your Federal and or State 1099/1096s as well as print all your 1099s copies.

5. Review Your Forms.

A Form Viewer will display your forms for review. You can print a record copy if eFiling or your official copy if printing and mailing.

6. Submit Your Forms.

An eFile wizard will guide you through submitting your forms to the eFile Center. Enrollment to the eFile center is required to obtain a username and password, click here to enroll now or you can enroll at time of eFiling.