Using Sage 50 eFiling powered by Aatrix
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W-2 and ACA eFiling Service
Complete eFile Service
Just Ask Our Customers
Here’s what satisfied Aatrix® customers are saying about the convenience of automatic state and federal form processing and eFiling!
“Using Aatrix® saved me time, money, and was LESS STRESSFUL. Took back the forms, envelopes, and did not use the stamps and had a lot of money left over.”
- Weeks Farms Partners
“This software made my W‐2 preparation SO EASY! I could print everything as many times as I needed and the steps were so easy to follow.”
- Community Action Commission of Belmont County
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Filing Instructions
Aatrix ACA Spreadsheets
Get started with collecting employee information by downloading the spreadsheets below. Easily export the information by clicking "Export to ACA Preparer" from within the spreasheet to use with our ACA Preparer software.