Save Time and Money
with Aatrix and Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate
Going paperless has never been easier!
Aatrix State and Federal Payroll Reports™ allow Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate customers to save time and cut administrative costs. You can now complete more than 330 US State and Federal payroll tax forms—automatically—including unemployment, withholding, and new hire reports, all directly from within your Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate software. You can review and edit your completed forms on screen, print them out on plain paper, and either mail or eFile them for processing by the highly accredited Aatrix® eFile Center. Once processed, your forms are electronically sent to the appropriate agency.
Save money, time, and stress!
Considering eFiling? The Aatrix® Complete Filing Service will save your organization hundreds of dollars in time and materials each filing season. W-2 processing can cost your organization almost $4.50 per record, depending on the number of state and internal copies you must print. With the Aatrix® Complete Filing Service, you’ll spend 45% less money while saving time—and, most importantly—taking the hassle out of printing, stamping, and mailing hundreds of forms.
Easy to use
The process is easy to use. Just launch Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate and we’ll generate your government forms with much of the information prefilled automatically allowing you to easily review and make adjustments on screen as-needed. Then, once you’ve verified the information’s accuracy, you can print the form to plain paper and process manually or choose to eFile using the Aatrix® eFile Center.
Aatrix eFiling Services
The Aatrix® eFile Center will file your State and Federal forms for you. You’ll notice a significant time savings especially with your W-2s as Aatrix will not only take care of the filing but also mail the employees' copy directly to them. Or, save even more time and money and go completely green by offering your employees their W-2s over a secured website. No more reprinting lost W-2s. Simply provide your employees their login information and they print their own. Your employees will have access to their W-2 information 24/7, anytime, as long as they have access to the Internet.
Just Ask Our Customers
Here’s what satisfied Aatrix® customers are saying about the convenience of automatic state and federal form processing and eFiling!
“Using Aatrix® saved me time, money, and was LESS STRESSFUL. Took back the forms, envelopes, and did not use the stamps and had a lot of money left over.”
- Weeks Farms Partners
“This software made my W‐2 preparation SO EASY! I could print everything as many times as I needed and the steps were so easy to follow.”
- Community Action Commission of Belmont County