Save Time and Money
with Aatrix Federal & State eFiling and Reporting
Going paperless has never been easier!
Streamline your tax reporting process with Aatrix Federal and State eFiling and Reporting. Eliminate manual form creation and save time by choosing from over 330 federal and state forms for Unemployment, Withholdings, New Hire reports, W-2s, W-3s, and 1099s. The electronic forms will look very familiar, as they are a replica of the government forms you would receive in the mail. Except the form that will appear on your screen won't be blank- much of the information will already be filled out for you by your Church Windows system. View and edit the information easily on your system, and once you've verified it's the way you want it, the form is ready to print or eFile. Once you eFile, you'll receive an email confirmation that the file was received. The form is processed and sent to the appropriate agency using an approved method.
W-2 & 1099 | User Interface
In Payroll: Select the "Reports/Export" tab followed by clicking on the "Tax Reports" icon and finally select "Tax Forms" from the dropdown menu. You can also access Aatrix's forms through the "Electric Filing" tab.
In Accounting: Select the "Reports/Export" tab followed by clicking on the "Tax Reports" icon and finally select "Tax Forms" from the dropdown menu.
941 | User Interface
W-2, 1099 and ACA (1095) eFiling Service
Once you register with the eFile center, all your W-2, 1099 and ACA (1095) filings can be completed easily, saving time and money. No more folding, stuffing, or mailing.
Complete eFile Service
Our center will file your State and Federal W-2s, 1099s and/or ACAs (1095) and mail the employee's W-2s/ACAs or recipient's 1099s directly to them. Or, save even more time and money and go completely green. Offer your employees their W-2s over a secured website. No more reprinting lost W-2s. Simply provide your employees their login information and they print their own. Your employees will have access to their W-2 information 24/7, anytime, anywhere they have an Internet connection.
Church Windows, Church Windows® Logo is a registered trademark and service mark of Church Windows in the United States and other countries. Aatrix is not a part of or affiliated with Church Windows
Just Ask Our Customers
Here’s what satisfied Aatrix® customers are saying about the convenience of automatic state and federal form processing and eFiling!
“Using Aatrix® saved me time, money, and was LESS STRESSFUL. Took back the forms, envelopes, and did not use the stamps and had a lot of money left over.”
- Weeks Farms Partners
“This software made my W‐2 preparation SO EASY! I could print everything as many times as I needed and the steps were so easy to follow.”
- Community Action Commission of Belmont County
Product Updates
Filing Instructions