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Complete W‐2 eFile Service simplifies filing and saves you money!
Filing your W-2s and 1099's has never been easier! Just think-no more folding, stuffing or mailing. Once you've registered with the Aatrix® eFile Center, all your W-2/1099 filings can be completed easily, saving time and money.
- File your State and Federal W-2s and mail the employee W-2s directly to them in a fraction of the time it has taken in the past.
- Aatrix Payroll eFile Center has added the ability to deliver your employees W-2s via a secured website for instant access.
- No more reprinting lost or bad address W-2s. Simply provide your employee or ex-employee their login information and they print their own W-2s.
- W-2s can be accessed from anywhere, anytime.
- You can now accomplish this task quickly, accurately, for an amazingly low price.
Just Ask Our Customers
Here’s what satisfied Aatrix® customers are saying about the convenience of automatic state and federal form processing and eFiling!
“Using Aatrix® saved me time, money, and was LESS STRESSFUL. Took back the forms, envelopes, and did not use the stamps and had a lot of money left over.”
- Weeks Farms Partners
“This software made my W‐2 preparation SO EASY! I could print everything as many times as I needed and the steps were so easy to follow.”
- Community Action Commission of Belmont County
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Filing Instructions